Eastern Physician
Eastern Physician Programs and Continuing Education Classes
Providing Online Video CEU Classes, Specialized Programs and Professional Consultations
Develop and master your skills through our incredible professional classes and treatment protocols. Sharpen your diagnostic abilities to a razor’s edge while clarifying your approach with decisive precision and facilitating patient care. Learn how to track your treatment protocols to a successful resolution and record results for later research and refinement.
Our Body Type System Mastery Program was developed to help practitioners better treat their patients and identify why some protocols do not work for all individuals. Learn what works, and the functions of the body while also mastering yourself. Warning – this program will change your life and the way you approach your treatments – make sure you are ready for an incredible journey through the body.
All of our classes are presented online in either a video or LIVE streaming format, and those that are available for CEU credit will be marked as such.
online catalog
Introduction to Body Types & Chinese Herbal Treatment
This preliminary course is designed to allow the practitioner to diagnose and treat with herbal medicine, combining several different ancient systems of Chinese medical diagnoses as it applies to herbal treatment. Once you take this course, diagnosis and treatment with herbal medicine will be greatly simplified.
Young & Old
This Mastery course will allow the practitioner to distinguish between young and old body types. They will also gain a deeper understanding of impersonations of other body types.
Destiny & Karma
This Mastery Body Type course deals with the person’s birth and death, and allows the practitioner to see the complete life and death cycle.
This Mastery Body Type course deals with geomancy and how it relates to the persons birth place and habitation.